For Occasions
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Congratulations! You have just passed the year of adjustments and love, celebrate and pop champagnes to be grateful for the reason. The first year of married couples is indeed worth rejoicing in style. For the long journey has just started while passing...
T’is the season to be jolly; well at least for the foodies it is. It’s that time of the year again where skinny people are skinny no more and the not skinny people find it hard to fit through doors. When you can sniff the cinnamon in the air and when...
Welcome the New Year with party crafts, fun filled activities and New Year’s Eve games for your child and his friends. Like the adults, even kids have their part of excitement when they know that the old year is going to end and it is time again...
“Joy to the world, the lord is come; let the earth receive her king” the famous Christmas carol makes merry for the birth of Jesus Christ on Earth, that is celebrated and recalled every year. The folks hymn together the classic Christmas carols...
Family Reunion!! Planning out such a get together is so much fun as it highlights the gratification of reuniting with your dear ones. No matter whether you belong to a huge family or a small one, the important thing is to make everyone comfortable and...
You think you are old enough to play “trick or treat?” As you teens don’t want to spend your Hallow-eve roving on the streets. Come on this eve is the right time to allow yourself to be wicked as much as you ever wanted to be. Everyone loves a good...
A lot of people don’t notice it but Christmas is one of the most romantic holidays there is. Here’s why; just imagine, a blizzard right outside your door, a blazing fire inside and you are more or less ‘stuck’ inside the house with your significant...
Nobody and I mean nobody gets into the Christmas spirit like an eager little kid writing a letter to old St. Nick. There is absolutely no one more eager than a little child running down the stairs to the check under the Christmas tree for his presents....
Christmas time is supposed to be a time for cheer and a time for joy, with carolling and eggnog and cookies and fat people in red suits. So when the entire world (or at least most of it) is drowning themselves in holiday cheer, doesn’t really make much...
New Year is all set to knock your doors within few hours! People of every religion, race, country and origin welcome New Year with utmost joy and zeal. It’s a tradition to wish our loved ones a Happy and prosperous New Year. With warm New Year Greetings,...