Now I know us guys seem tough and all macho and hard, but really we’re also regular people. We like cute stuff just as much as you ladies do, despite the fact that we don’t (and will never) admit that. We coo like a little girl when we see kittens and puppies and blush (rarely) when complimented. So just because we have a tough exterior (blame society) doesn’t really mean that we won’t appreciate the time and effort you would put in to get us a Cute Valentine’s Day gift. Almost every guy will deny this, but we’d take a sweet thoughtful cute Valentine’s Day gift over a techie gadget gifts any day.
The second month of every year heralds the season of love and every year, guys and girls run around trying to buy the most perfect present for their significant other. Most guys head out to plan a date, or get tickets to a concert, book reservations in hotels, etc. long story short we have plenty of options. Girls on the other hand don’t have the luxury of choices and they mostly end up heading out to their nearest gadget store. This year, why not do something cute for your guy? Here are a couple of Cute Valentine’s Day gift ideas for your guy that will definitely make him swoon (don’t tell anyone I told you that guys swoon).
Guys like Cute Valentine’s Gifts too!
Break the tradition and give him something cute this Valentine’s Day. If you can’t come up with anything, take a look at these cute Valentine’s Day gift ideas for your boyfriend.
Something Written:
Now I know letters have become a lost art but even today, there is nothing more romantic and cute than a good old fashioned letter written by your hands. Letters are extremely personal and the fact that you wrote something with your own two hands makes the letter a part of you. An e-mail, a text, or a printed out script will not have as much effect as something you write. Here’s another advantage of a letter, it’s something he can and will carry in his wallet (secret: I do). So instead of pulling out your hair about what you’re going to get him just write him a sweet, love letter. You can add more to the cuteness and add some cute little doodles. Letters are the cutest things you can give your guy, or any guy for that matter.
A little bit of everything:
Gift baskets are highly underestimated, when in fact there are only a few things that are cuter or sweeter and more economical. All you need is a pretty little basket and fill it up with a bunch of stuff that represents what you like about him or stuff that you think represents him. It has to be an amalgamation of a bunch of stuff ranging from movies, books, music CDs or anything else you might want to add in there. This is actually perfect for you if you two have been together for a little while now. Bottom line: if done right, gift baskets are an amazingly cute Valentine’s Day gift for him.
Offers he can’t resist:
You know how you can’t resist a coupon offering an amazing deal? Well neither can he. So head to your computer and print a whole bunch of coupons and put them in a jar. The coupons can be for absolutely anything but whatever you do, don’t put in promises you can’t keep. The coupons can say anything from, “good for one backrub” to “You get to pick the movie tonight”. The rest of it depends entirely on your creativity.
A Hearty Breakfast:
The generic heart symbol is pretty much the universal valentine Logo so a good heart themed breakfast is probably perfect for a Valentine’s Day breakfast. Heart shaped omelette, heart shaped pancakes, are a couple of ideas. You don’t need great culinary skills to come up with any of these, you can easily get moulds to shape them the way you want. A good heart themed breakfast is a brilliantly cute Valentine’s gift.
Something Engraved:
An engraving or rather anything etched on anything is symbolic of permanence i.e. a sign that what exists between the two of you is meant to last. This symbol of longevity is cute, sweet, strong and romantic all at the same time. The best part about this present; you can do it to anything depending on your man’s preference for example, if he’s into music, an etched pick is ideal. Anything engraved is a really romantic gesture and at the same time a cute Valentine’s Day gift for your guy.