Flowers will wilt, candy will be devoured, romantic dates will end and any jewellery that is worth something will probably drive you into bankruptcy. This Valentine, how about giving your significant other something a bit more permanent, something that they might actually use, and every time they use it, they’ll think of you. Gadgets and all things technology are probably the most useful things that you can give your significant other. They are also the gifts that need a lot of thought and research before you bust out your wallet. You have to be very selective of the Gadgets to give on Valentine’s Day.
The market is actually flooded with some amazing must have gadgets and some of the best geek gadgets that will make a brilliant Valentine’s Day present for your significant other. There are some things you might want to keep in mind, before you go shopping. Whatever you buy has to be of some use to your significant other, there’s hardly any point in getting them an iPhone case when they don’t possess one. A gadget gift also has to address the interest of your girlfriend/boyfriend. If you get everything right, he/she will definitely think of you every time they whip out their phone or a camera or whatever it was you bought for them.
Gadgets to Give on Valentine’s Day
So here are some of really cool electronic gadgets that will blow him/her away. Stop wondering what to buy and read on to figure out the gadget to give on Valentine’s Day.
- Memory Recording Devices:
Memories are probably the best things that come out of any relationship, not to mention something that you will cherish for the rest of your life. The sad part is, like most good things, memories don’t always last. If only there was something, a certain thingamabob, that could capture a moment and freeze it at those precious moments or even better if they could somehow record an entire instance. Oh but wait! There are certain gizmos and doodads that do exactly that. A small digital camera or a mini camcorder is an absolutely amazing gadget to give on Valentine’s Day. Giving your Girl/Guy something that will help you record those special moments in time and preserve them till kingdom come (or till an EMP attack, whichever comes first). It makes a statement that you value the moments you spend together and you would like to make them last. You can make it a bit more personal by recording your feelings for him/her.
- Pimp Your Smartphone/Tablet/Laptop:
A Little something to pretty up that dull boring smartphone is actually a great idea. What’s even better? Make it a bit more personal. Today you can find an entire arsenal of covers for your smartphones and tablets and laptops and they are an excellent choice if you have a tight budget. Custom cases are not that hard to come by and are fairly inexpensive. You might want to avoid making it too cheesy for his/her taste. A collage of pictures of the two of you together: OK; a big picture for your mug: too much.
- Gaming Consoles:
This is one of those gifts that will profit both parties. How? Well if you give your Girlfriend/Boyfriend a gaming console it gives both of you a chance to play together which is nice (as long as you’re not being a sour loser). Guys, a nice Nintendo Wii is an excellent choice basically since you get a decent choice of colours. Girls you can go for a Nintendo Wii as well but try not to get a coloured one. If you’re not much of a gamer you can always gift him a handheld console.
- Something for the Ears:
If your Significant Other is into music (of which there is a 99.99% chance) you can never fail with a pair of some funky cool headphones. Nobody can say no to a good pair of headphones but make sure they are exceptionally awesome. Mediocre headsets are as good as their name; Mediocre. If you have a slightly higher budget, you can also throw in a good MP3 player (not necessarily an iPod) and make it even more personal by filling it with a bunch of your favourite songs or songs that mean something to the both of you or record something in your own voice.
Gadgets might not be everyone’s cup of tea but they can be romantic as turtledoves. You might need to make a few minor changes or additions and make it more personal. Ladies, you don’t have to worry much though your guy is almost certainly into tech. Guys you might want to do a little research before you go on your shopping spree.