Fun flirting facts are real fun to know about flirting. It confides the flirting facts which you never know and get influenced by it. Flirting signals which we never considered as flirting are the big fun flirting facts which will make you wonder and smile to know those fun flirting facts. Flirting is also a one way to get in touch with someone. To have connection with the attracted person with the romantic gestures of flirting, learn flirting signals and before using them know fun flirting facts. It is a best way to start a relationship. Many of the researches say that it takes 30 seconds to know about your interest in other person. In those 30 seconds you need to send the message of your interest to the opposite gender with your gestures and flirting signals. Know more about top 10 fun flirting facts which are very common but never noticed by us. Flirting is same in every country but there are different set of rules of flirting and that creates fun flirting facts which are new to society.
Top 10 Fun Flirting Facts
1. Flirting is good for health-Studies show that people who flirt have higher white blood-cell counts, which boost their immunity and keep them healthy.
2. Common flirting signals– The most common flirting signal is hair flipping, out of the 52 flirting signals in the world.
3. Flirting is illegal- In many of the places, the playful joking or mocking has been banned and there is law in New York City says to fine $25 for gazing at a female.
4. Flirting while driving– Most of the people flirt while driving to the person sitting on the other vehicle and most of these flirting becomes habit and then a fixed date.
5. Flirting need not occur face to face- With the new technology flirting has become very easy and it does not need face to face interaction rather it is much popular in online. Online flirting has played a major part in making love stories.
6. Fans were the ultimate playful – Prop that could communicate all sorts of messages. A fan placed near the heart meant, you have won my love. A half-opened fan pressed to the lips suggested, you may kiss me. Hiding the eyes behind an open fan meant, I love you, while opening and closing the fan several times warned, you are cruel. Given how much a fan could come in handy, it’s a shame they ever invented air conditioning.
7. Cell phones and texting- Cell phones plays a vital role in flirting, it sends all the signals of flirting in messaging with their loved ones.
8. Overdo Flirting– Many researches says, people often do mistake of over flirting which results as a very bad impact on their interest. Flirting is fine till the other person is also enjoying after that it is just an overreaction and teasing for the other.
9. Friendly behavior is not flirting- Many of the man do this mistake and face embarrassment. They misunderstand friendly behavior of women into flirting and face problems later on.
10. Flirting is universal- smiling, arching their eyebrows, then averting their gaze and giggling. Animals flirt, too: Birds, reptiles, and even fish have their own way of showing their stuff. Flirting has common rules all over the world from a village boy to modern man in town all use the same techniques and win the hearts of women.