An old saying that best way to reach men’s heart is through his stomach is proven by these aphrodisiacs foods. Some foods have strength to ignite passion of love and romance in lovers. The stimulate properties and mineral content of these food has make them unique and exotic. But there is very big misconception about these foods as many of the people believe that candle lights, fire and some passionate food is enough for romantic night.
Even the scientist has proved that there some aphrodisiac foods which can ignite your passion for love and romance. It’s time to change your mind and be relaxed that you don’t need to go any therapist for strong and romantic relation just visits the super market and pour your passion in making the food and see the result after the dinner.
Here’s many top quality meals for you have fun with the company of your partner on the bedroom.
Chocolate– Chocolate is always considered to be the king of aphrodisiacs food. It has all the content for romance like caffeine which stimulates the carnal awareness in the body. Chocolates are the best gift for valentines and special occasion for love and romance. Chocolates have history of romance behind every bar.
Almonds– The not so good look nuts have been considered as the fertility symbol for years now. The exotic aroma is one of the best ingredients to excite women. The passionate quality of almond makes it necessary to ingredient for soaps and creams.
Asparagus- One of the popular aphrodisiac food is asparagus, it mostly prefer to consume boiled and steamed for sensuous feelings. This food has a history in France for being the essential meal of bridegroom before the wedding day. The three courses of asparagus is enough to excite groom.
Strawberries-The sweet food strawberries are symbol of love and maintain a cell healthy structure which stirs up the passion of love and romance. They are best when taken with champagne and raspberries.
Carrots– Carrots have roots, seeds and foliage which lead to be great properties of aphrodisiac food. It is food to be taken before an orgy.
Chilies– As the name depicts the qualities chilies plays a spicy role in romance as it stimulates blood vessels and warm the body to get erotic.
Figs- The sweet purple fruit which was favorite food of Cleopatra is even famous today for its appearance and texture which stimulates erotic feelings in female and increase the fertility. It was more costly than gold in ancient times.
These foods are considered to be the most erotic and sensuous foods in ages but the fact is that anything can do wonders if there is a bonding and passion for each other. Make your dinner with the ingredients above mentioned and make your evening romantically successful but don’t forget to pour your love in dish to ignite your passion.