Wedding is one of the most special day of anyone’s life. Wedding celebrations are always great fun and in western culture there is a custom of singing wedding poems and quotes for the married couple. Friends and family can prepare a nice wedding poem and song to contribute in the joy and fun of their wedding. Wedding poems have all the emotions, feelings and blessings for the couple. The writers and lyricist have poured their emotions and excitement of the wedding, and it is best option to increase the excitement and fun.
Best Wedding Poems
The Best Is Yet To Be By Joanna Fuchs
On your joyful wedding day,
You begin a brand new life.
Friends and family give their gifts
To joyful husband, blissful wife
But the greatest gift you’ll ever get,
A gift from heaven above,
Is love forever, ending never,
Everlasting love.
You’ll share life’s joy and pleasure;
You’ll have plenty of that, it’s true.
But love is the real treasure
For your new spouse and you.
And if life hands you challenges,
As it does to one and all,
Your love will hold you steady
And never let you fall.
Your wedding day is full of joy;
Tomorrow you cannot see.
But one thing’s sure for the two of you:
The best is yet to be.
It’s your Wedding Day
It’s your Wedding Day
So perfect and fine,
With all your friends round you
To have a good time.
And we wish you much happiness
Starting your lives as one,
Always give love to each other
With lots of laughter and fun
Blessed is the child of light
Blessed is the child of light
who is pure in heart,
for that person shall see God.
For as the heavenly Father has given you
his Holy Spirit,
and your earthly mother has given you
her holy body,
so shall you give love
to all your brothers and sisters.
And your true brothers and sisters are those
who do the will of your heavenly Father
and your earthly mother.
Let your love be as the Sun
which shines on all the creatures of the earth,
and does not favor one blade of grass
for another.
And this love shall flow as a fountain
from person to person,
and as it is spent
so shall it be replenished.
For love is eternal.
Love is stronger
than the currents of deep waters.
Love is stronger than death.
And if human beings have not love,
they build walls between themselves
And the creatures of the earth