The tree, the Christmas carols, the pudding and cake are pretty much synonymous with Christmas. But there is also one aspect, that we seem to forget a lot Apart from all that lights and the food Christmas poems are also a very integral tradition of the season and sadly one that is almost forgotten. Imagine sitting around the fire listening to the rendition of ‘the night before Christmas’ and enjoying a good old fashioned get together with the family. Christmas poems and Christmas Rhymes tend to take you on a magical ride back to that one night in the manger. There are about a gazillion Christmas poems for kids and adults alike, scattered all over the web and we picked a few of the really good ones for you.
We know life can get a little hectic sometimes but I don’t think it’s a bad idea to spend a little time with the family. The best way to do that would be to gather your family around with a nice piping hot cup of cocoa, read them a Christmas poem and let their minds drift away all those years back in that stable near that manger, surrounded by the shepherds and the heralds of the angels.
When it comes to Christmas poem there are no adults and no children so read on for some really good Christmas poems for children and adults alike.
Christmas Poems
- Christmas came early for you and for me
Christmas with no gifts to open
Christmas without any yuletide tree
Christmas with words of love spoken
Christmas was walking to York hand in hand
Christmas in awe at the Minster
Christmas togetherness was just what we planned
Christmas was chaffed legs and blisters
Christmas was cups of tea served early morn
Christmas was being together
Christmas was loving from dusk until dawn
Christmas remembered forever
Christmas was driving through floods for the view
Christmas ‘our planning’ was starting
Christmas our Christmas meant so much to me
Christmas our bitter sweet parting - Christmas isn’t about toys
Christmas isn’t about money
Christmas is about giving food to the needy
Christmas is about loving your family
Christmas is to get time to spend with your family
What’s Christmas
Christmas is about the holiday
Christmas is about loving what you get
Christmas isn’t about sending cards
Christmas is about love
- This Christmas i am not alone
This Christmas i have somebody to hold
This Christmas doesn’t feel like last Christmas
This Christmas is when I came alive
Last Christmas I was sad
Last Christmas I was lonely
Last Christmas I had nobody to hold
But then This Christmas came
I was happy
I was excited because I had somebody to hold
This Christmas was better with you then without you.