The article will focus on the basic mistakes men make with women while they are interacting with them or are trying to impress them. Many men never make it past the first check post with women and even if they pass the initial litmus test they can’t make it to a dating stage. This is because of the silly and grievous mistakes men make that turn off the women. Here you will get to know about how to avoid the common mistakes men make with women.
First you will have to learn to identify these mistakes as most of them are made subconsciously. The mistakes men make are often a result of their desperation to get in the good books of the ladies. These dating mistakes can be avoided by bringing some positive changes in your general outlook and behaviour. As, most of the times these mistakes are a result of your personality traits. If one tries to inculcate certain mannerisms and etiquettes in there day to day life these mistakes men make in relationships can be avoided.
Have a look at the next segment to find out if you are making these dating mistakes and what are the implications of these common and minor mistakes men make in relationships.
Mistakes Men Make With Women
- Trying to convince a girl to like you– It is one of the most common mistakes that men make. Always remember that a girl is not a court where you have to present your case (or candidature). If she is not showing any interest in you, do not try too hard. That only demeans you.
- Showing your desperation– Everyone knows what is there on a man’s mind and nobody is offended by your passionate thoughts. But it should not reflect in one’s eyes, words and gestures all the time. You risk losing even the brightest chances of getting ‘there’.
- Bragging– Even if you are the President of the US, you should not brag about your qualities or achievements. It is a big turn off. Everyone has heard that proverb- an empty vessel sounds much. Yes, exactly!
- Submissive– While it is crucial to respect a girl’s opinion and know there preferences, but it is also necessary to give your opinions and take control of the things. Women love strong men.
- Being Possessive– This is one feeling which comes for free with love. Every person is possessive about their mate, but it is important to not show it, particularly in the initial period of a relationship. However, there is nothing wrong in registering your opposition to your partner’s actions, but politely.
- Fake or too cheesy compliments– Another one of the common mistake men make. They take the advice of complimenting a girl too far and think that this is the best way of scoring some brownie points. But women can always decipher when you are genuinely praising her and when it is just an effort to get there.
- Being too emotional– it might sound double standard but most of the women do not appreciate the men who are always complaining about the miseries of their lives. Any girl will not mind sharing their sweetheart’s pain and grief but not 24×7.
- Not listening or observing keenly– Girls love to talk and like the listener’s take on things. So if you do not listen to her words carefully, even the almighty can’t help you. Also pay attention to the details, esp. her clothes and her looks when she asks if her hair is not fizzy or her dress is not looking crimpled.
- Low personal hygiene– Although this is very basic but still few men chose to ignore it. Smelling armpits, dirty nails or filthy hair are no one’s fantasy on this planet.
- Showing off– Putting your car or latest iPad or the diamond studded watch on display in front of a girl often backfires esp. in front of the intellectual types.
- Acting too nice– it is like- too good to be true. If you go over the top to please a girl particularly with words and gifts, your intentions will be doubted or you might be dismissed as a wanna be.
- Incapability to look beyond physical appearance– The criteria of attraction for most of the men is a hot figure and attractive face. But that does not pay in the long run. Marrying or dating a women on the basis of looks is the most silly mistake men make.
- Some other mistakes that men make– Being negative or having a pessimistic outlook, leaning in during conversations, spending too much, giving excessive importance to looks and money, not participating in the conversation.