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Romantic Letters

Romantic letters are to make a relationship strong and create romantic memories for lovers. Romantic letters are assets of lovers which they never want to loose and it is something which can bring smile anytime by a single glance.  Love can be expressed in myriad of different methods but the most treasured will always be romantic love letters.  You can pour your heart on paper and gift your love partner, a token of your love with the most expressive and enticing words of love for your partner. Romantic letters must reflect your deep emotions and your romantic nature in your words.

Find the ways of writing romantic letters to your lover and tips to beautify your emotions in best expressing words and phrases. For writing romantic letters first and foremost thing which you should keep in mind is your lover’s image and your love for them. The tips given below will help you to put down your emotions on a piece of paper in best romantic way which can strike at your lover’s heart directly.  Valentine carnival has also given some examples of romantic letters to help you to start your letter with articulating words of romance.

Romantic Letters

Sample Romantic Letters


  • Sample 1


Thanks for being there when I needed a shoulder to lean on, for patiently listening to my personal problems. Baby, I just want you to know how happy am I to have you in my life and I thank God for that. Thank you for the love and the joy you bring. You’ve changed my life, Baby.

You’re the only boyfriend who gives my heart some excitement and thrills. When I’m with you I feel like I’m out of control! You taught me how to handle life seriously, you taught me how to solve my problems and to face it without any fear… when I’m with you, I feel no fear, not even a single one.

I know that when you say you love me and I admit that I’ve fallen for you, I know that I wouldn’t shed any tears from now on. I love you and that’s what I want you to bear in your mind, and it’s for keeps.

Yours and only yours,


  • Sample 2

My love,

You make me feel loved, you make me feel safe, but more importantly, you make me feel wanted. Something that I hadn’t felt in a very long time. We both knew our friendship would grow right from the very first day we spoke. But, neither one of us could begin to imagine the love we both feel, not exploding or thundering into our hearts, but just slowly growing into a beautiful relationship that only you and I can understand. We don’t even need to be together, we are never apart. You are my soul mate, my best friend, my inspiration, my love.

Love Always,

  • Sample 3

My dear lady,

Picture us together, savoring chocolate dipped strawberries, the hot melted chocolate tingling in our mouths and sending ripples of ecstasy through our taste buds, only to be followed by the heavenly sweetness of ripe, lush berries. Then imagine me dabbing a bit of chocolate on your luscious body before I lick every drop…only to hunger for more. Would you like to sample some chocolate dipped strawberries with me? I’m ready to heat things up!

Yours life partner

cal June 3, 2022 at 4:00 am

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