You own your feelings like no one else. You fell in love and it is equally important to express. It’s strange how the most blissful and intense feeling remain unsaid to the one we love. Even if said, or inked down well, all the feelings of love in words cannot be fully conveyed or expressed. We call Love an unsolved mystery. We folks still find it hard to explain and express maters of heart that we secretly hide inside. However, there is an art involved to tell how to express your love to someone and to show them that you always stand next to them. No matter how truly, deeply and madly you love, what matter the most is how well you express your feelings of love and put it before your special someone.
We have many assets when it comes to share and to know how to express your love to someone. We have verbal and non-verbal ways to express love to someone. We have beautiful set of lyrical words; of course a brain and a heart to plan something amazingly heart touching for the only special one. It’s not just about saying those three magical words. Expressing love embroils an art to show that your heart beats only for your loved one. It requires loving them the way they want and not how you want to love them. Express your love in simple ways and bring them close to your heart. Also learn some simple ways on how to express your love for him or her with our given ideas and steps.
How to Express Your Love to Someone
Love expresses itself in small gestures-in moments of caring and sharing of life, in holding of hands in a hug, in a smile and even in your eyes. All you need to know is how to express your love in word, in a love letter, or only by some gestures.
1. Make up your mind and prepare yourself
You know, understanding other one’s feeling and knowing what he/she actually carry in his/her heart isn’t so easy. You never actually know how they feel about you, but you know what you have for them in your heart. Without expecting or thinking about what you will get in return, just prepare yourself to express what is there deep inside your heart. By your actions or by your words show them how much you adore them.
2. Express Your Gratitude
Positivity brings vitality and life. Never ever forget to appreciate them whenever you get the chance. Use your words very carefully because spoken words cannot be taken back. Don’t compare them with anyone. Love what they are and not who they are, don’t ask them to change. Don’t take them for granted and when they do something for you, do appreciate them.
3. Give your time
Never miss a chance to spend some moments of love with each other. This life is very short to make happy moments with our loved one. In this busy scheduled life, time is the most precious gift that we can gift to someone. Good-quality conversations and time spend together plays a role of a building block for any relation. Do make use of it.
4. Hold Hand or Initiate touch
Physical touch works like a magic, it helps in connecting the souls. To make your relationship warmer don’t forget to hold the hand of your beloved during the sweetest moments or when they are in despair. Rub their back and arms whenever necessary in order to assure them that you are always there for them, no matter what happens.
5. Give greeting cards and prepare gifts
Greeting cards are sweet token of love to express affection. They carry beautiful words that can express the felling in most romantic way. When you prepare some gifts for the ones you love, you show them how much you think about them. And you can go to any extend to see them happy. So you must prepare and plan some special things to do for your loved one from time to time.
Express Your Love in Words
Here we have some quotes, from some famous authors and writers. Make use of these phrases and quotes whenever you want to make them feel special.
- “I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.”
- “If a hug represented how much I love you, I would hold you in my arms forever.”
- “One day you will ask me which is more important. My life or yours? I will say mine and you will walk away not knowing that you are my life.”
- “Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”
- “When I saw you, I fell in love and you smiled because you knew”
- “For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.”
- “I love you, not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.”
- “I’ve fallen in love many times … always with you.”
- “What I need to live, has been given to me by the earth. Why I need to live has been given to me by you.”