Push the ’big boat’ out and ‘Do-it- yourself’ this valentine season while gifting your sweet-heart a token of love. Don’t limit & cult the free love to the boundaries of Cash n’ Card with margins. Craft it by yourself, make a cute Homemade Valentine’s Day Gift for your valentine date & rise above from the shadowy industry of costly –hollow valentine gifts. Get back to the cores n’ grounds, express your heart in the simplest grips. Do-It- yourself and give wings to your emotions and imaginations, add pinch of pain to your homemade Valentine’s Day gift as ‘love and pain’ go hand in hand. These Homemade Valentine Day Gifts will definitely make your beloved the ‘one n only’ special person on the planet.
We all know that the value of the gift doesn’t rest on its price but the efforts one put into the giving. The Valentine day is been lived and enjoyed even across the lines between the nations, races and religions. It is the most valuable feeling. From the flourished courtly love traditions of Middle Ages to the present day, we use symbols of love as heart & cupid to express the depth and share the bond between the lovers. So definitely make use of these signs in your handmade valentine gifts, also take the best ‘tried and tested’ ideas from here to make your homemade valentine day gift, more alive and real.
Homemade Valentine’s Day Gifts
Here are some easy, best & unique homemade Valentine’s Day gift for him or her.
1. Personalised-Love Songs CD Valentine Gift
Make a unique homemade valentine day gift CD with all your favourite songs that you want to dedicate to your beloved. In this world of technology it is very easy to do that. Burn these songs in the disk as CD but not DVD so that it will be playable in any cd player and your beloved could listen to these songs in car too. You can also personalise your homemade valentine gift by printable labels of CD that you can make from your printers. Gift this CD to him or her by putting it into the standard CD box. Use an image of you two on a glossy paper and put it over the CD cover.
2. Crafted Love-Boat Valentine Gift
A very cute homemade valentine gift idea! Buy a valentine day gift wrapper or bag. Make a boat out of it by cutting the sides, now this will look like a valentine boat. Using a very thin stick (a toothpick or a paper stick) make a flag on the side and top of the boat. Put the couple image on it taken out from the printer and decorate it with little frills. Now fill the boat with heart shaped chocolates wrapped in red colour paper. Put the final touch to your homemade valentine day gift by giving it a note saying “Shipping my heart to you” on the side of the boat.
3. Sad Bear Heart Valentine Gift
For the ones who are far away from their beloved or couldn’t reach them! Get a cuddly teddy bear dressed in Valentine’s Day colours. Make a card by yourself put it along in the hands of the bear. Jot down all your feeling of love and express your deep emotions in beautiful words. Make it more personal write on the cover of your card “Beary, beary sad without you”.
4. Cute Poem-Scroll Valentine Gift
Whoa- an antique scroll with a valentine poem scrawled! If you can write a poem for your beloved by yourself then it is the best ever gift! Or if not then make use of the web (as usual). Put the poem down on the scroll in a Monotype Corsiva font. You can choose a classic poem as well. After writing the poem crush the paper and put it into the dark tea for few seconds and then take it out to smooth it & dry. If you want to add some gothic kind of a look burn the edges of the paper as well but it must be done carefully, as it won’t burn the whole paper.
5. Truck- Full of Love Valentine Gift
Buy a toy truck that is available in several colours and designs in the market. Use heart stickers and pictures of cupid or dove to make it look like a valentine truck. Stick a small size cardboard cut-out in a heart shape in front of the truck that must carry the message as “A truckload of love from me to you”. To make it more personal put the cut out of your image on the windscreen as you are the driver, driving the truck full of love for valentine. Finally fill the truck with Hersey kisses with several colours.
6. Love Handmade Scarf Valentine Gift
If you can take the pain for knitting then this valentine your love be will be yours forever. Get it from the internet or if you know how to knit then nothing can beat this best homemade valentine day gift. Knit a scarf for your loved one in a valentine colour, so that it will also look like a token of your love forever. Don’t forget to add the name or a message at the side of the scarf that you have to weave to it.
7. Romantic Candle Valentine Gift
Buy a wax to make a candle from a craft shop. Melt this transparent wax into a beautiful glass now use heart beads and glitters to it. This unique homemade Valentine’s Day gift idea is amazingly beautiful and will definitely impress your lover.
8. Hand Made Love Cards Valentine Gift
Cards can never fail to the date or lack behind when it comes to a homemade valentine day gifts. You can check out various designs and types to make a handmade card. You can also use pooping hearts or can give it a 3-D look too. Handmade cards give various options like adding your own image, your personalised message or anything that pops up into your creative mind.
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