Want to be his full four seasons and not just the summer to his heart? Want to bring that same charm and passion again from the realms of love and romance? We know, there comes the time in marriage when women wonder and start doubting their spouses’ love. And the urgent need arise to know how to get your husband to want you again. The love and care ‘was’ and ‘is’ always there in the hearts. It is just that we start to take things for granted and forget to feel the importance of each other in our lives. The brightly shining bond of marriage and love starts to dim, with passing time and building burden of responsibilities of life.
One has to take the initiative to bring and maintain that old love and enthusiasm back on the track. Both husband and wife participate and support each other in the time of worse. They both take turns to fall in and out in love and life goes on. It depends on which phase of marriage you are in and the reason for this change in him and you. Using some of our tips and ideas on how to make your husband want you more, you can bring that fresh charm to bring him close and romance your husband again.
Here we have some sure-fire tips to get your husband to want you and romancing your husband again.
How to Get Your Husband to Want You More
1. Love yourself and your life– Don’t be a dependent woman, get a life of your own, don’t make his life yours only soul purpose to live– it’s an easier way to say that you love him by this but this idea will make you an irritated one. So get your own life and own interests.
2. Be the mystery- Men always love challenges, Does he know everything about you? If yes, then develop something new in you, some idea or a skill and be interesting to him.
3. Do not complain and compare- Please stay-away from these two- C’s. Men hate being compared to someone else. They don’t’ show but they get jealous too.
4. Affirm him– Tell him how lucky you feel when he is around, make him realise how strong and amazing he is. You need to tell him that he is the winning man of your world and he is great in whatever he does.
5. A Love Note- Let’s get back to the teenage era. Fleece a self-written love note in his wallet. You don’t need to write a big love letter but a few words of love and some affectionate lyrics will work.
6. Don’t Be a Diva- Avoid Nagging and being negative. Stop controlling your man, let him be himself. You chose him as he was, now don’t expect him to change the way you want him to be, accept him as he is.
7. Text Your Feelings– Send a sweet text message when he is not around, telling him you miss him for no reason at all. Also send a sensual text message, for a very good reason, to appreciate his love and all what he does for you.
8. Romantic Dinner– Invite him on a date for a change. Book a table in a very romantic restaurant in your city.
9. Let him talk without intruding him– He will speak his heart out, listen to him and try to understand what he is up to, without being negative. He is telling you everything because he considers you the important someone of his life.
10. Best Way to Man’s Heart– Cook his favourite breakfast, lunch or dinner. Learn something special for him and impress him with new culinary skills.
11. Make Things Easy for Him– Keeping in mind his needs and priorities; systematically arrange his wardrobe and spray a bit his favourite fragrance only to surprise him.
12. Don’t Be a Doormat– Guys are always attracted towards women who are independent and can take the lead when there comes a situation. This time, for a change turn the table round and amaze him by doing something extra-ordinary.
13. Be His Best Pal– Show interest in what all he does and ask about his day in office. Watch and enjoy his favourite games and movies with him. Let him take the delight in his hobbies and his things of interests.
14. Talk about your marriage- If he makes any complaint regarding your marriage and your behaviour. Don’t be offensive. Give it a reality check and see if it’s really true or not.
15. Encourage Him to go out with His Friends- Don’t nag, think about his happiness and the things that can make him happier. Ask him to go out with his friends and enjoy the day. He is surely going to love you for this.
16. Flirt With Him – Get back to those school girl days, when you were a bit naughty, cheesy and funny. Flirt with him tell him what attracts you the most in him.