There are few things that your girl might not speak off but expects you to understand and act accordingly. Even after being in a relationship it might puzzle you but the truth is these factors are the ones that separate a mediocre boyfriend from a dream guy. It might disturb you at times wondering why your bonding is losing its charm despite of you being gifted with attractive features. Perhaps you are not concerned about the Things Women Want Men to Know while dating them. Just the way flowers in a garden needs to be watered and nurtured regularly for healthy growth, even your partner needs to be pampered and cared for to maintain a happy bonding. In order to assure that, you need to be well aware of the Stuffs Every Man Should Know when romantically involved with someone special.
The best way to win your lady’s heart is by sticking to the roots of Relationship Tips. The tricky issue is that girls hardly speaks about the things that they expect their lovers to possess but yes at the same time they will seek the man in their life to act as per the pleasing mannerisms. Now the great big question is what are these “pleasing mannerisms”? Do you have any idea or are still confused about the Things Man Should Know about his dating girl? We knew that you would still be confused. So why not swing through our write up to catch up with the stuffs every man should know.
One by one get familiar with the Things That Women Want Men to Know.
1. No ‘Honey’ Without ‘Money’
Whether it is in terms of finance or company, the sentiments linking to insecurity can rock your relationship into havoc. Girls always appreciate the company of guys who are secured and can offer the feeling of familiarity. It can be a great turn off for your lady if you happen to frequently tag with her with an empty purse and hold her responsible for your bills. Besides, there can nothing be more disappointing for her than to find you messing around with other girls.
2. Treat Me Like a Superstar
Gone are the days when ladies will compromise for being treated as unequal. Twenty first century girls are quite open about this and will never tolerate a pinch in this regards. If you seriously want her to be a part of your life, learn to respect her views and offer the space for an equal footing.
3. Your Ears Should Always be Listening to Her
Talking is something which is natural in girls and specifically more when they are emotionally disturb. You being her man of interest will make her vent her sentiments before you but that do not mean you have to react equally. The only thing she expects of you is to listen to her issues and support her morally.
4. Breaking Promises is Like Getting Your Nose Broken
Promises made by you are not to be taken lightly. It is a strict NO in the lady’s zone. Better don’t make random promises to please her because it will surely backfire when later you won’t be in a position to keep up to your words. So gentleman, be careful in what you assure your girl with.
5. She Knows The Love For Sports Too
Who said sports and games are not girl’s cup of coffee? You are wrong sweetheart if you thought so! Girls too love sports. Yes, might be she is not a lover of cricket or footfall which you appreciate but have you tried to know her choice of interest. Who knows if she adores basketball or martial arts?
6. Small Things Always Matters
Many of you make the blunder in thinking that the way to a lady’s heart is through expensive gifts and accompanying her to elegant restaurants. No, they are not the sole alluring factors always. More than these, what a girl finds more attractive is in the fact that her man takes interest in helping her with small things such as cleaning up the kitchen, making her breakfast, helping her setting her room etc. Doing so will reflect your interest in being a part of her.
7. Romance Should Always be in the Air
Despite having a busy schedule, you should not forget that she is a part of your life and care should be taken not to take her for granted. If not something grant, at least shower her with romantic gestures. Hug her when she passes by you, cuddle with her to watch your favourite serial or blow her a kiss whenever you get glimpse of her. These things might appear silly but will never fail to strengthen your bonding by making her happy.
8. Beware of Her Sharp Memory
When we say, she can remember everything means EVERYTHING. Starting from the incident to the harsh words you have thrown on her in your defence, she can recall every bit of it irrespective of time. The fact might surprise you but it is true. So it is up to you how you handle things to avoid such situations and make your future better.
9. Needn’t To “Man-Up” Every Time
Only because you are a male does not provide you with the license to disrespect her opinions and treat her as someone inferior. There will be times when your strength will be appreciated but care needs to be taken not to overdo it and display how invulnerable you can be.