Long distance relationship has agony and ecstasy together. It shows the strong bonding and love between two individuals beyond the limits. Long distance relationship strengthens the love as it proves that love does not need connection, it remains in heart not in touch. Long distance relationship may have any reason for getting apart from each other but has only one reason to be in connected and that is simply love. Distance creates many problems and has pros and cons in the relationship but all can be handled and carry forward.
How to Stay Connected in a Long Distance Relationship
Extreme trust
The couples are apart and have to have a blind trust on each other. You cannot doubt on your partner on everything and be relaxed. Doubts make your relationship on test or examination which is very hard to clear. A single doubt can break the trust of years. Trust and love go parallel with each other. If any of them is missing or breaking at any point it will impact very badly on the other.
Talking Clearly
Both the partners have to understand each other and in every situation. You are not sitting face to face with your partner. You don’t have privilege to make him understand through your eyes and gestures. Everything must be spoken out clearly in words. The partners in long distance relationship should understand each other very well.
Lack of Physical Touch
Holding hands, looking into each other’s eyes can make your day easy. Most of the issues between lovers can be resolved by a single glare in eyes. The lovers in ldr are lacking behind in this, they have to manage things through mails, messages and phone talk only. One of the major content of love is missing, which has to be replaced by anything surely to fill the gap.
Busy Schedules can Create Big Problems
Both of the partners are working in different organization and may have different and busy schedule which can lead to conflicts and arguments. Time management is very much necessary in this type of situation. The partners should make time for each other; communication gap in long distance relationship is unmanageable.
Surprise Visits
LDR must have some fun and excitement in it. Waiting for your partner is always considered to be a good sign in love but surprise visit is icing on cake. You get to meet your partner without any plans; one busy day of office can be your most romantic date by the surprise visit of your partner. Always do something special like this to maintain some excitement to your relationship.