When you need to share and express the deepest feelings of love, and there are only words that can win that loving heart of yours, then there is an urgent need to select every single word very carefully. We know that the Day is all set to say those three magical words and to wish them happy propose day. So, we share and save you from the difficulty of choosing best words to make best of the moments. Here we present before you some brilliant and beautiful good propose day SMS, messages.
These unique and heart touching propose Day SMS and saying are taken from the great blogs of writers and authors. Take one of them and send it to your loved one. Propose them using one of the most romantic propose day saying, sms and messages. These happy propose day quotes can do all the magic for you at once. They pour out each and every feeling that you carry in your heart to your only special someone.
Some Awesome Propose Day Messages
Select one of the propose day text messages or saying and wish your lover happy propose day. you can also use these quotes in your propose day cards or love notes.
- Hello My Sweetest Sweetheart,
I Just Want To Say U Something
I Had In My Mind Since We Met..
Will U Marry Me.. I Will Love
U Always, Always And Always..!
Happy Propose day!!
- The Minute I Heard My First Love Story
I Started Looking For You,
Not Knowing how Blind That Was.
Lovers Don’t Finally Meet Somewhere.
They’re In Each Other All Along.
Happy Propose Day
- Proposing is entrance exam
Meeting is testing exam
Dating is physical exam
Marriage is the final exam
Happy Propose Day
- Your Eyes Are Like The Blue
Ocean, Your Lips Are Like The
Sweetest Part Of Nature. I
Want To Be With You All The
Time. Happy Propose Day My Love.
- “If I reached for your hand, will u hold it?
If I hold out my arms, will u hug me?
If I go for your lips, will u kiss me?
If I capture your heart, will u love me??”
Happy Propose Day 2014.
- The sweetest way to propose:
“Excuse me, do you have a band aid,
because i scrapped my knee
when i fell in love with you.”
Cho Chweet
Happy Propose Day 2014.
- Did you know they changed the alphabet?
They put U and I together.
“Happy Propose Day”
- Hello My Sweetest Sweetheart,
I Just Want To Say U Something
I Had In My Mind Since We Met..
Will U Marry Me.. I Will Love
U Always, Always And Always..!
Happy Propose day!!
- The most important things are the hardest to say…
because words diminish them…
Forever yours…. (Your name)
Happy Propose Day to you..
- You are like the sunshine so warm,
You are like sugar, so sweet…
You are like You…
And that’s the reason
Why I Love You
Happy Propose Day 2014
- I propose all my friends for lifetime Friendship ..
With full dedication,
no complaints,
no Demands ..
What do u say..?
Happy propose day…..:-)
- All I wanted was sumone to care 4 me,
All I wanted was sumone who’d b there 4 me,
All I ever wanted was sumone who’d b true,
All I ever wanted was sumone like U…
“Happy Propose Day”
- If Roses were Black and violets were brown
my love for you would never be found
but roses r red and violets are blue
all I want to say is I LUV U!
“Happy Propose Day”
- Life Counts All the Roads We Travel
Some Are Smooth, Some Are Rough
Some Would Rather Forget
But There’s One Road, I Won’t Regret.
The Road Where We Met & Became Friends
Happy Propose day!!
- I Love You For Not
What You Are
But What I Become
When I Am There With You.
SO Be With Me Forever…Happy Propose Day
- Your eyes are soft and tender,
As sweet as they can be,
Theres one thing you must remember,
You are the one for me
Happy Propose day!!
- In this world, it is too common for people
to search for someone to lose themselves in.
But I am already lost… I will look for someone to find myself in.
Happy Propose Day!
- Happy Propose Day..
Our Time Together Has Been True..
You Are A Real Friend And Are True..
We Talk And Share Our Feelings..
Good Or Bad..
Happy Or Sad..
Friends From The Beginning
To The End Of Time
- “‘What greater thing is there for two human souls that
to feel that they are joined…
to strengthen each other…
to be at one with each other in silent unspeakable memories.
Let us make memories of a lifetime’ on this Propose
Happy Propose day!!