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Mother’s Day Special 2022

Mother’s Day always falls on 2nd Sunday of May month; therefore the date for the year 2022 is the 8th of May. Mother is a guide of your lifetime, she forsake her needs and work for her children. Mother is someone who always feels happy that she had you, than to count on what she has lost. Mother’s day is a special day when children can express their feelings to show their mother how much they care and love her. Mothers always cherish what she receives from her kids, be it a card, a drawing or any personalised gift. She will always understand the amount of love and hard work her child puts in to make her day ideal and perfect which makes her delighted and content for rest of her life. It’s an impeccable day on which we can thank her for all her love and affection she imparts on us. Get the best Mother’s Day ideas from here and make your mom’s day special.

Mother's Day Special 2022

Mother’s Day Special Ideas


Mother’s Advice

A mother knows you better than anybody else and she has grown you up with her wisdom and advices.  Some of the teachings must have changed your life and remain the lesson of your life. A lady can be wrong but a mother cannot. There are some famous quotes and teachings of mother are mentioned which has transformed the lives of great people. Revise those advices on special event of mother’s day.

  • To put God first in everything that I do and to don’t worry about boys until I finish my education. She told me not to worry because she is always by my side.
  • “Think big. Dream big. Success is not about the value of your assets or your income–it’s about unleashing your full potential to achieve your dreams. Take advantage of your youth and explore everything you possibly can until you find out who you are and what you want. But most importantly, there is no substitute for hard work
  • Life isn’t always fair.”
    “Never lie, cheat, or steal.”
    “Never be too proud to ask for help when you need it.”
    “You catch more flies w/honey than vinegar.”

Popular Mother’s Book

Many authors and writer have tried to pour their heart in the form of words about mother.The books are mother’s day special which helps you to retain the memories of childhood.

  • Dear Mom, Thank you for everything-This book defines the story of a child’s thought and affection for his mom. This is a story to give tribute to the relation of mother and child through lovely pictures and true words.
  • The mask of mother hood by Susan Maushart shows the real mother and her efforts to bring up the child.
  • I Love My Mommy Because by Laurel Porter-Gaylord shows the various reason and efforts of mom which she has done for her child.


cal June 2, 2022 at 12:13 pm

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