No matter if you are a sports guy, party animal or an ideal career fellow, how to get a girlfriend is one thought that lingers in your mind, the moment you see someone happily engaged. As getting a girlfriend is a key business in a man’s life, especially when you are not that famous, rich and not a role model too. Even if you have plenty of friends to hang out with, you feel tired of being single and want to add yourself in category of those lucky guys who have someone to charm them and take care of them. But it’s not that easy to get whatever our heart desires and how to find a girlfriend seems like a great mystery in this competitive world of seduction. For instance if you are eyeing a popular girl in your school, college or workplace, you could face a tough competition in wooing her. If you are smart, rich, handsome, educated then may be, it is not that tough for you to get a girlfriend. But if you are missing any of the quality then you are losing many chances to get a girlfriend. How to get a girlfriend tips is what you need to have your dream girl with you and cherish your wonderful relation as a couple for the times to come.
Steps to get a girlfriend will help you to know the required changes you need to put in yourself and enjoy the love you have been seeking for long.
Sure Shot Steps to Get a Girlfriend
Firstly, Make Her Know YOU Exist- To get a girlfriend, you need to impress one. Girls always get impressed with the one who have their own lives and enjoy with friends. Boys who always look dull and wait for the chance to get mingle with the group of girls are always degraded by girls and never get any attention from them. Always look busy with your own friendship, hobbies and goals, so that she put efforts to get in touch with you and curious about your life. Remember that being self-confident and self-sufficient is one of the successful tips on how to get a girlfriend. Follow these virtues and get noticed to leave that lasting impression.
LOOKS Matter – Looks matters a lot and mind it boys, girls are pro at picking up guys who look good with their appearances. Get prepared for it, if you are choosing the best shaped and groomed girlfriend for you among all the others, she will do the same. Don’t wait for any miracle to happen, you need to put efforts to enhance your looks. First concentrate on all the basics of grooming and once done, you can work out to have that picture-perfect physique. Try as much as you can to appeal that special girl as hard work will make your union more sweetened. But before that work outs, eat healthy and smell good to get noticed.
Show Your Intelligence-Another interesting advice on how to get a girlfriend is that you should practice your impressing game with intelligent talks. Get an exciting and brainy topic to make a good impression by your first talk. Find the situation where you can help her and take her out of the tension. Don’t talk too much on your first conversation and let her be little curious about you. Show her all the best qualities of yours and make her feel comfortable and compatible for you as a friend in the first meeting or conversation but don’t splurge yourself for the things you are not good at.
Giggle Game Always Work- After intelligence; sense of humor is the second best thing every girl scouts for. If you can make her laugh then you can reap her heart too. Laughing is one activity which makes two strangers close in a single meeting. No matter how many bucks you spent on those formal dinner and movie sessions, but one moment of that childlike laugh is enough to assure you as a great companion. However, don’t make your fool by just saying some old jokes and laughing on them madly rather try to make a situation by which she enjoys your company and be attentive to see whether she is enjoying it or not.
Take Care About the First Step “FRIENDSHIP”- Don’t rush into relationship and get your impression down in front of her either take some quality time and gauge her before proposing for the relationship. Try to know her more in friendship and some signs to her about your liking and feelings in a subtle way to maintain interest and craze in your relationship. Make sure you don’t push yourself hard to force her to think about you all the time. A little bit of teaser is needed everywhere, even in a relationship. So one of the top how to get a girlfriend tips is to maintain a friendship and play the game of hints, till she finally nods a dotting ‘yes’.