If you catch yourself pondering over questions like How to Find a Good Girlfriend then, my boy, you are at the right place! Being the solitary bird can get irksome at some point in life when you desperately yearn for the comfort of having a companion. While some boys feel awfully shy in approaching the girl of their dreams, others stop short in their pursuit for the fear of being rejected. Matches are made in heaven goes the popular folklore but sadly, such thinking takes shelter only in theory, and not in practice. Are you getting disheartened already? Alleviate your loneliness as we guide you in your quest of Finding a Girlfriend.
The world is brimming with couples holding hands, adding to the love quotient in the air. You walk past them, turning an oblivious eye on the lovers while actually having caught the lonely bug. A gaping void seems to cloud your existence making it difficult for you to maintain a sense of calm. So you Want to Find a Girlfriend who will make you feel loved and complete but are wondering where to begin from! Asking your peer group for tips is not a wise thing to do as you will end up being the butt of all their jokes. Recline on your couch as we take you through the journey of explaining How to Find a Girlfriend Fast. Keep scrolling to master the art of Finding a Good Girlfriend who might just be your soul mate.
How to Find a Girlfriend
Fasten your seat belts as we glide through the Best Ways to Find a Girlfriend who might prove to be the little miss sunshine of your life.
Air of Confidence
Conduct yourself with oodles of confidence, lover boy! Walk about comfortably with such poise that reflects your fortitude. Even if you are craving for a girlfriend, don’t display it for all the girls to see. Instead assume an apathetic attitude. So what if you are single? Singlehood is not a curse to be ashamed of. It just means you haven’t come across that extraordinarily special girl of your dreams. This will create an aura of enigma around you making you desirable among girls.
Be Presentable
Wear good clothes not just to impress her but to feel good in your own skin. Have you ever experienced that one day when you love what you are wearing, that actually boosts your spirits up making you feel capable of conquering the whole wide world? The key lies in dressing comfortably that makes you radiate positive energy. Don’t forget to wear that smile; girls will be glued to your company.
Being chivalrous to win the girl’s heart might seem ancient, but it certainly works wonders till date. Chivalry is not an attribute to practice chiefly to impress girls but should be employed as a habit for life. Girls will notice your helpful nature and will genuinely like to be in your company.
Avoid Making Assumptions
“Not her, she might already be dating someone!” Stunned to see yourself quoted here? Well, avoid making assumptions. Go ahead, introduce yourself to her and at least be friends to know if she is single or not.
Be Sociable
Stop curling into your own shell and get out there. Start networking. Meet new people and see if you connect with anybody at all. Who wants a girlfriend just for the heck of it, anyway? Be sociable to find out who is perfectly compatible with you before taking the big step.
Be Her Friend First
So you’ve finally met the girl of your dreams but avoid popping the girlfriend question out of nowhere. She will find it creepy. Be her friend first. Indulge in spending time with her casually. Be there when she feels low, make her laugh and be in her good books. You sure will discover the way to her heart sooner than ever.
Invite Her Out
Now that you’re good friends with her, when the time is right, ask her out. Let her know you like her. If she says no, take it graciously without begging her to reconsider. After all, a no does not mean never, it just means not yet. Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game!
Avoid Rushing in
The golden rule, boys! Avoid rushing in as it will only make you appear desperate. Trust me! That is the last thing you would want to look like if you are speculating on How to Find a Girlfriend in College. Remember there is plenty of fish in the sea; therefore don’t get heartbroken if you do not click as fast you thought you would.