Friends are the most precious relation made by human kind, we were not born with friends like our other relations but we make friends according to our nature and behavior. Friends is the only closest relation which is not a bounded to us in any ways like blood relations or marriage but still we are bound in friendship with our love and understanding. Friendship is a relation to cherish life with joy and happiness.
Almost every single individual has a best friend with whom he/she has spent the best time of life and has the most pleasing memories. Here we have a list of famous friendship stories which can touch your heart by their love and care. The stories will tell you about the bonding and sacrifice of friends for each other with so much devotion and love.
Popular Friendship Stories
5 Point Someone
A novel published by Chetan Bhagat in 2004. He identifies about all the elements which you should not be doing at IIT. If you are from IIT Delhi, then you can connect with the tale like no one else. Crack all concepts and create friendly relationship is what the story focuses into. It reveals that friends are your lifestyle and especially when you remain out of the house.
The tale 5 Point Someone has a autobiographical strategy as the author Chetan Bhagat is a student of IIT. Three technical technological innovation learners, Hari Kumar, Ryan Oberoi and Alok Gupta discover it challenging to deal up with the rating program of IIT.
At IIT the 5 Point rates the end in the group. Hari narrates the tale.
The development of the tale is comical. The tale is the best example of friendship stories. It specializes in the lifestyle of the three major personality types. It reveals how the challenging issue of lifestyle can be treated amazing friends around. This tale has win prizes like Society Young Achiever’s Prize in 2004, The Publisher’s Acknowledgement Prize in 2005. The publication has been so well-known that it has been implemented into a movie too. The movie became very well-known.
The Three Musketeers
A novel by Alexander Dumas which is an example of friendly relationship, the tale is generally known as The Three Musketeers. The tale goes along with the major personality known as, d’Artagnan when he simply leaves house to secure the musketeers. The musketeers are his associates who are Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. The friends are inseparable. They set example for friendship stories. They remain with one slogan in lifestyle and it is “all for one, one for all” (“tous add un, un add tous”). Such testimonies are actual example of friendly relationship. If you have not read the book, then you should pick up them now. This can be an ideal present to your best companion too.
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer
Two best friends, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, these two personality types were just a suitable example of best friends. Tom Sawyer composed about the fun and experience these two friends had while they were young. Tom was 11 or 12 years of age when the tale was read. Given birth to in a city on the Ms Stream, St. Petersburg, is also the position where Huck grew up. The friendly relationship and the sport will experience that you can remain your child years again. The inseparable people experienced lifestyle even in problems. Look at the publication and tell your companion too.
After 20 years
Written by O. Mom, after 20 decades is one of the very well known friendship stories. Bob and Jimmy are young companion. They have excellent friendly relationship with each other. One evening they create a strategy that they will come back after 20 decades, no issue where they are. I am going by and both associates take their own path in lifestyle. Right after 20 decades they connect with as they guarantee. But the conference does not get the way they believed to be. The getaway of Bob and Jimmy gets different. To know the end, you must read this friendship story. This can be given to your companion too.
The Kite Runner
Khaled Hosseini creates about Amir in The Kite Runner. The tale shares about the son from Wazir Akbar Khan section of Kabul. He befriends Hassan. The tale is read in the qualifications of Afghanistan’s Monarchy. Two friends, Amir and Hassan, one wealthy and one inadequate. One professional in flying air kites and the other the kite jogger. A tale of guiltiness, courage and coward lines did become very well-known. This is a suitable publication on friendly relationship. The story has been designed to a movie too.
Learn some more Heartwarming Friendship Stories at Reader’s Digest here.