Wind back your memories, wish all your special buddies with Friendship Day Messages and cherish your relation. Friendship is a long lasting bond that persists for life between those two people who share, care and live for each other. Friendship Day is a moment when both of you would love to cherish and admire your endless bond. We have structured a few messages for friendship day, which will help you to appreciate your friend, with a twist.
So, wish your best buddy and your circle of friends this friendship day with some scintillating and amusing messages. Since friendship is the greatest relation that one comes across throughout your lifetime, grab the opportunity of the day and make it special in all possible direction.
Share your emotions and feelings with all your friends who are around you, or stay in other cities or towns. You can also add your own streaks to personify the relation you share with the person. It is the finest way to boost your friendship without even uttering a word.
Here are some of the most beautiful messages for friendship that you can convey to your friend on this special day.
Friendship Day Messages
- Remember The Day We Met?
The First Day At College!
From Then On,
So Many Years Passed By,
But You Were There With Me,
Whenever I Needed You.
Thanks A Lot Buddy!!
- Crazy days and screwed up nights,
Tons of Crushes and stupid fights,
Secrets we will take to the grave,
Pictures we will forever save.
Through thick and thin,
Always true.
Friends forever,
Me n U!!
- Life Becomes A Party
When I Am With You.
Tears Turn Into Smiles
When I Am With You.
Though You Make Me Spend A Lot,
But That Is Worth Having You.
Take Care my Friend
- On This Day,
I Take This Opportunity To Wish You
And Our Friendship A Very Long And Healthy Life.
Love You My Friend.
Happy Friendship Day!
- Guess What You Will See
After You Open My Heart.
You Will See Yourself Inside My Heart.
Since Nowadays It Is Hard To Find A True Friend,
I Kept You. You Are Such A True Friend To Me.
Happy Friendship Day!!
- Friend in different languages…
Iranian – Dost
German – Freund
Hebrew – Chaver
French – Ami
Dutch – Vriend
Mexican – Amigo
For me.. just simply “YOU”
- Coming Straight From My Heart
R The Best Wishes For U.
Thank U For Being There For Me
Whenever I Needed U.
I Luv U For What U R
A True Block Of Friendship.
Happy Friendship Day!!
- Generally, People Have Many Friends
But Having A Real Friend Like You
Is More Important And Meaningful For Me
Than Having Lots.
Thanks Buddy For All The Support
You Have Been Giving Me In My Hard Times.
Happy Friendship Day!
- Come Let Us Eat, Drink And
Be Merry On This Day Of Friendship Day
And Celebrate To The Fullest
As We Have Enjoyed Our Lives Together.
Forget All Odds,
And Cherish The Moments Of Past,
Let Us Reunite For This Special Day.
Happy Friendship Day!!
- Just to remind you that
My fence of love still surrounds you
And I hope that you always feel safe in it.
Happy Friendship Day!!
- Distance means so little when someone means so much.
Especially when it is a friend like you.
- Of all the friends I’ve ever met.
You’re the one I won’t ever forget.
And if I die before you do
I’ll go to heaven and wait for you.