Friendship is only relation where you can share all your pains and happiness without any inhibitions. A friend is someone with whom you spend your whole day but still it seems less. There are plenty of reasons to love your best friend and show their importance in one’s life.
30 reasons why I love my best friend is a list of some points and reasons which everyone must have felt once in their lifetime. The long hours talks, continuous laughs, ugly faces, dirty clothes, sleepless nights, bunking classes and offices, gossips, make ups breakups and a lot. Friendship has endless memories and completes a person.
If you want to make your friend feel special and happy, gift him a personalized card and pen down all your best 30 reasons why I love my best friend.
30 Reasons Why You Love Your Best Friend
- I can say anything to your friend without any hesitation.
- My friend gives me shoulder to cry any time I want.
- Your company is a pleasure to me.
- I can trust my friend completely on everything.
- You are my strength and courage.
- Your stop me firmly when I start apologizing for things that aren’t my fault.
- We don’t look alike and we don’t sound alike- but we think alike on all the important things and that’s what counts.
- You understand me better than anybody else.
- When I alone and not able to even say my things, you give me exact solutions.
- You always suggest me the right thing for me.
- I trust you more than I do to myself.
- My birthdays, or any special occasion are just nothing to me without you.
- I can share things of my family, office, cousins, love everything with you.
- You have seen me in my worst and still the same for me.
- You know me better than myself.
- You just calls me to say hi in office and that’s make my day good.
- You know all the qualities; I’ll need in my partner.
- It is impossible to get tense and upset when you are with me.
- You play all the roles for me from my mother to sibling and mentor as well.
- It does not matter, how many friends I have, you have your own place.
- I love you so much because you are you my best friend.
- When I’m really down you cry with me.
- I’m not embarrassed to cry in front of you.
- You never get clingy, but you don’t mind if I occasionally do.
- The good, the bad and the ugly- we’ve been through them all and we’re still friends.
- No one else gives me the total attention you do, when I have a problem or just need to talk.
- You know my dark side and I know yours. No judgements.
- Your love for me is as unconditional as mine is for you.
- You know my secret wishes and keep them a secret.
- Whenever I’m wrong you never make it worse by saying “I told u so”.