Flowers are more expressive than words; they can say those three significant words to your love which are tough for you to admit. Flowers are always considered to be an ideal of love and romance. There are so many different varieties of flowers to give to you girl and create an ambience of love and romance. You have a great option in the form of flowers to start your relation and continue it with the pleasant fragrance and eloquence of flowers.
Flowers are best used for occasions as gift and surprise. Every girl expects a flower on valentine day, birthday and special occasions. The top most romantic and popular flowers for love and romance are given below. Express your sentiments with her favorite flower.
The Iris– Iris word means Rainbow in Greek and it comes in the color of rainbow like blue, purple, white, yellow, lilac and even brown. Each color of iris shows feeling as blue refers to royalty, white and yellow for passion, lilac and brown shows sympathy and remembrance. The birth month of Irish is February and considered to be an option for valentine. Choose your girl according to the feelings to express and make your day wonderful.
Rose- Rose symbolize love and admiration, it is romantic and exotic flower. Rose comes in different colors to express different feelings and emotions to your loved one. The colors of rose are deep red, dark pink, peach, white, orange, pale pink, pale peach. Every color signifies a unique feeling of affection. From proposing to friendship and from friendship to love, rose takes part in every emotion.
Lily– Lilies are star of summer, it cherish your garden and atmosphere when every other flowers are faded because of hot weather. Lily comes in different colors like in white, orange, red etc. The white lily is most popular among all. It is also called as Easter lily as it is used to decorate home on Easter. It symbolizes purity, hope and life. Use lilies to gift to your love on her special day of graduation, birthday or any special occasion to show her your feeling of hope and purity of heart.
Orchid– Orchid flowers are very delegate and are unique in its features. It is a female flower and has many other names like dancing ladies, dancing dolls, Butterflies orchids. Gift your girl an orchid flower and let her know that she is as elegant as the flower is and precious to you. Give her know name of orchid flower and let her be happy to know your feelings.
Lilac- Lilac is the second most beautiful and aromatic flower after rose, no comparison with its scent and beauty. Lilac is very precious as it blooms in couples of weeks in spring only. Be your best by giving a beautiful bunch of lilac to your girl and show your warmth and beauty of feelings to her.