Guys are famous for being flirt but in actual it is very tough for a guy to woo a girl. The moment a girl caught you doing flirt, you are out of the game. Flirting has so many do’s and don’ts which should be considered by every guy.
Flirting tips for guys helps you to make first impression really good to your love interest o any girl you have found interest in. It funds you to convey your romantic interest to the girl in a polite and smart way. It is subtle process to make your way to the heart of girl. Flirting tips for guys will help you to avoid awkward situations. Flirting can be said as an art which need lot of effort and smartness to present things in front of other. You need to show attraction in manner that your self-respect is maintained and feeling of attraction is shown to the individual.
Best Flirting Tips for Guys
- Eye contact– You both are new to each other and you need to maintain that curiosity between each other. Don’t let her know yourself completely in the start. Use your eyes to talk rather than your words. Make her feel something special by staring her and making eye contact. Use your eyes magic specially when is leaving for the day. It will make her think about you at her home also.
- Body Posture– Sit straight with your spine and hands open while talking to her or doing some other work. Show her your personality with good postures. Broad your shoulders and have little on your face while talking to her.
- Smiling– One of the biggest and working flirting tips for guys is to smile when she is talking to you. She would definitely have interest in your smile and curious to know about you more.
- Touch– Do not touch her in first meeting rather than handshake. Handshake can affect the girl completely if it is done in right manner. Touch her while looking in her eyes and make her realize that it was so special to you.
Flirting tips for guys has been a great help to start a relationship with girls. It is a way showing attraction and your infatuation.