His eyes slip past…and again turn back! Wonder how ‘she’ managed to hit every guy’s ATTENTION though she is not so hot or not so curvy? How ‘she’ fares to spell bound them tirelessly? Let me tell you something very trustworthy here. Men give all eyes when you start hitting all rights on their check-list. It isn’t so tough to be that stunner in the sea of people. There are some very obvious yet secretive things that men observe when they first see a woman. To be a real head-turner you need to get into men’s mind and start seeing through their eyes.
It’s not just your pretty face, not what you put-on or not what you try-to-be, it’s something more ‘REAL’ that they see when they look at you. To get some insider tips, we have asked some genuine guys to tell what attracts them the most in the mob of ladies. What is that they notice and fall so easily? Take advantage and get the cutest guy’s attention even among many of your girlfriends. All you require here is to play to his senses and you’ll have him yearning for your attention with no further delays. Here we have lined up some most honest steps on How to Get a Guy to Notice You.
Get A Guy To Notice You in Simple Ways
1. Suit Your Style and Comfort
To grab a guy’s attention or make him notice. You don’t need to get in a dress that makes you uncomfortable, because if you do so, then you will loss score on the other spheres on his check-list. Be your natural best self, pick your own original styles and change it appropriately. Make sure your wear won’t hinder your confidence at any level.
2. Be Fun and Alive
A girl who smiles and is more alive, put guys on ease to know her. If you can be full of life and content with yourself, you can easily attract anyone in the crowd. Men can’t resist a fun, flirt and a laugh. Spend time with your friends, be seen to him at the right places and actively participates in conversations and be a fun with some set standards.
3. Appeal to His Sense of Smell
Amazing aromas always charms, all we can say here is just smell good whether it’s your hair, your dress or your hands. Your natural body scents are though very appealing to men but you can enrich it with your signature perfume. Scent of someone helps us rousing a very sense towards someone as we can associate them to that smell and never forget.
4. Smile With Your Eyes
Men or women, everyone feels attractive towards the positive energies, so you must carry a genuine smile on your face that put confidence in your eyes and makes you more adaptable and open to novelty. Your eyes say a lot, so better use them to make good and positive signals.
5. Let Him See Your Best Side
What is the thing that you love about yourself the most? If you want him to notice you, start working on what you are best at. You need to make sure that you put your best side on the show. When it comes to noticing someone, it is a matter of what you put before them in terms of appearance, your voice, confidence and even the way you walk matters a lot.
6. Talk To The Handsome Guy Of His Group
All guys want to be an Alpha men, they are jealous when it comes to competition. If you will be able to to talk to one of the handsome guy of your group or in his friend circle, you can easily make the guy to get notice of you.
7. Get An Excuse To Talk
Now you don’t need to approach him directly or even you don’t need to ask your friend to make an introduction. If you have carried out above steps, for sure he will cross your way and you will get a chance to make a contact. You can turn around or can ask for some help. Guys love to help the maidens.