One question that comes in almost every mind of youngsters is how to flirt? Flirting is not a natural phenomenon rather it is a skill that can be learnt. Some has flirting skill naturally and have talent to attract the opposite gender without much effort. Some needs to learn this art and can be expert by the practice. There have been many individuals, who carry a tag of “incorrigible flirt” with them, even women love to be flirted and like the skilled flirt. Women love to feel special and adore being the target of flirty guy. But guys need to learn all the tricks of how to flirt to be the most liked and attractive guy of all the beautiful ladies.
Men also like the woman who flirts and take the first move. Women are subtle in nature in all the ways so with a flirty woman, it is almost impossible a guy to catch a woman. Woman looks very smart and intelligent while flirting and on the other hand man looks cute and adorable doing flirting. How to flirt with body language is completely from girl’s kitty, they know the best to use their eyes, hands, smile and body posture to convey their message without uttering a word. Though men are famous for flirting tactics, they lack behind in subtle flirting when there is competition between men and women.
Flirting is the best way to make opposite gender happy and cherished and let him/her know about your feelings without saying it directly by words. Flirting includes cute gestures and gazing eyes. Some of the best flirting tips are mentioned below to answer the question of many individuals how to flirt?
Tips on How to Flirt with Girls
- Show your best: Guys, you must have gone to gym and has muscular biceps to show your girl and impress her with your best feature. Flirting is simply showing your best. Let the object of your interest know that she is lucky to have someone like you around. Flirt with her by showing her your best features in a very subtle and impressive way.
- Have confidence: You are approaching opposite gender, just think in yourself why would anyone like you what qualities do you have. First like yourself and then expect anyone else to take interest in you. Have full confidence in you and then approach the opposite gender and let her feel your presence in an impressive way.
- Smell Gооd: Women are obsessed of good smell. It attracts opposite gender and draws their attention. The exotic aroma from opposite gender is an indicator of calling someone for getting close. Good smell is the best answer of how to flirt? If your girl is impressed with your aroma, she will have you in her mind for long time. So before enunciating a word, win her heart with an erotic fragrance of any popular scent or deodorant.
- Compliment: Compliments are the easiest way to start conversation and let somebody know about your feelings. Observe your crush and find out the best feature and approach her to pay compliments. Let him know that black color suits him best and make your girl smile by praising her beautiful hair.
- Make her laugh: Everyone enjoys laughing and sharing good times. Attract your crush with your fresh and new jokes. If your crush is laughing on your jokes consider it as positive sign and through a bad joke to check if she is still interested in everything you say.
Tips on How To Flirt With Guys
- Gazing eyes: You are blessed with expressive and speaking eyes use them for gazing, good legs, superb figure then what are you waiting for. Bring your best dress and flaunt your crush with the best features. When a girl stares or just looks into the eyes of man directly, it’s enough for a guy to gauge about her interest and likings. So, you don’t need to learn more about how to flirt, just use your beautiful eyes and you are into the game.
- Be girly: Guys like to be a protector and hunter, so you just need to make him feel like one for yourself. Let him lead you and help you to draw his attention then you don’t need to do take any risk to blown off and these flirting tips make him do all other flirting tactics on you. Be cautious and don’t overdo yourself by behaving like a school girl rather ask for his help and or listen to his suggestions while conversing and it will be enough to mold him for you.
- Tease him: If you really want to know how to flirt with a guy, you should also learn to put him down in jest, or make him work harder to impress you. This flirting tip o impress a guy is simply teaches you to be honest and notches him down once in a while. The best and successful flirting tips for girl is to make him like you and realize him that you are special by teasing him on all the small things.