If you are blessed with true buddies, it is always a great gesture to send them a cute Friendship SMS and let them know how special they are for you. We just love texting our friends about any quote or message that reminds both of them about any of their dear memories and captivate their bond. Nowadays there are ample lots of Friendship SMS which can be sent at any time of the day and is a simple yet lovely way to stay connected with your loved ones. For friends staying in far off places, at times it might be inconvenient to call so, this is the perfect day when you can send a sweet SMS and bring a smile on your friend’s face.
Besides these messages will help you convey your feelings and friendly gestures to your buddy. It is a way of communicating without speaking to one another literally but connecting through the emotion and heart. We have managed a list of messages which comprises of Friendship Jokes, Friendship Quotes, poems, friendship Patch up messages etc. These emotional messages from your side will be cherished by your friend for life long.
Moreover it is fun to be in touch with your buddy through SMS. So read through some of the List of Friendship SMS given below.
List of Friendship SMS
Friendship SMS are used to make happy occasion more happy and content for the friends. It is the simplest way to stay connected with your friends. Some of the popular and mostly used friendship SMS are
Funny Friendship SMS
- A Dimple Is A Sign Of Pretty Face,
A Smile Is A Sign Of Joy.
A Hug Is A Sign Of Love
A Friend like ME In Your Life
Well! That’s A Sign Of Ur
Good Choice-)
- Y Do We Need Close Frnz?
-For Those Honest Opinionz.
-To Pick Us From Railway Station @ 2am.
-To Kick U @ Midnyt On Ur B’day.
-To Make Fun Of Ur New Outfits.
-To Get Latest Prints Of Movies.
-To Call @ 3am Jst To Say Gud Nyt.
-For D Endless Treats.
-To Irritate Us Wid Missed Calls Wen V R Sleeping.
-Sending Lot Of Msgs Though U Dnt Rply.
-Or Maybe,
Jst For A Beautiful Life. - Full Form Of FRIEND
Few Relation In Earth
Never Die
That Is Friend. - “Life can give us a number of Beautiful Friends!”
“Only True Friends can give us a Beautiful Life…!!”
One of my true friend is ‘U’ - I always thought loving some1 was the greatest feeling,
but I realised tat loving a friend is even better,
we lose ppl we love but we never lose true friends.
Emotional Friendship SMS
- Friendship is not a game to play,
It is not a word to say, It doesn’t start on March and ends on May,
It is tomorrow, yesterday, today and every day.
Age appears to be best in some things.
Old wood best to burn
Old books best to read. Old rice best to eat and old friends’ best to keep - Sometimes the World Gives So Many Reason To Hate It..
But Whenever it Happens
I Just Stop ‘n Think Of You ‘n Say
How Can I Hate This World When You Are A Part Of It ..! - Friendship is not having a gang of people around u…
it is best 2 have one heart which is true,
thinking of u & always cares for u… - A real friend knows when to talk;
When to listen;
When to stop listening;
When to stop talking;
When to pour whisky;
When to stop pouring & just pass the bottle. - Don’t place me in ur eyes
I may fall as tear
Place me in ur Heart
So that every heart beat reminds u that this friend is always there for U - “FEELiNG”is a painting never spoil it
“FACE”is a book try to read it
“LOVE” is precious be ready to sacrifice for it
“FRiENDSHiP” is a mirror never”break” it. - DuRiNg OuR FrIeNdShIp, ThErE wIlL B TiMeS U wOn’t SeE Me BeSiDe U,
DuN ThInK I LeFt U BeHiNd,
I JuSt ChOsE To WaLk BeHiNd U
So I CaN CaTcH U WhEn U Fall…
After all day’s work, its usually the bed time when we text our friends. Some of the best goodnight friendship SMS are- - Life’s lyk a novel. Mani chapters read and forgotten.
But’s there’s one i wont 4get..
Its de chapters i met u and we became friends..
Take care.. - My happiest time, meeting you
My greatest memory, your SMSs!
My biggest sadness, the distance!
My strongest hope, seeing you soon!
My heart’s prayer, Our relation continue 4ever…!