You know how almost every single one of your friends (the committed ones especially) keep saying “There’s someone out there for you” and how you will someday find him/her and then life will be all rainbows and teddy bears and candies and butterflies. What they conveniently forget to mention is the long hard road you need to trudge before you even begin learn how to find your perfect match. It’s not going to be easy, but then anything worth anything isn’t.
If all the Hollywood movies have taught us anything it’s, if there’s someone out there for you, you will bump into each other on a rainy day and live happily ever after. Well the movies also teach us that aliens have a special interest in the USA but that’s beside the point. The point I’m trying so hard to make is that if you’re looking for someone or even something (like your car keys) for that matter, you need to get off that couch and do something about it. Your car keys will not bump into you one rainy day and you’ll live happily ever after. If you’re wondering what to do, just keep reading to find out how to find your perfect match.
If you’re looking for the yin to your yang, keep reading to find out how to find your soul mate out of all the people in the world.
How to Find Your Perfect Match
- Step 1First things first, be sure about what you want before you start looking. Start by making a list of all the things you want your life partner to be, this way you know what you want. This will only work if your list is realistic and doesn’t describe superman. Now you have a profile of the kind of man/woman you’re looking for. Remember the list is only meant to give you an idea about the kind of person you’re looking for, it’s not a list of demands so don’t treat it like one. The list will also help you figure out where to look for your soul mate.
- Step 2Now since you’re aware of what you want in your soul mate, you need to be aware of what your soul mate might be looking for too. This would be a great time to use all that research on the internet about what women want and what men want.Gentlemen, here are a couple of things women look for in a man:Personality, humour, common interests, cleanliness, looks, profession, voice, talent and religionLadies, here are a couple of things guys look for in their potential matches:Personality, looks, intelligence, humour, profession, hobbies, voice, talent and religion.
This is just a basic few things that are common for all, however, certain individuals have a few extra criteria as well and that changes from person to person. But of all things the most important thing is for you to be confident about who you are. Confidence is the most attractive trait in any man or woman.
- Step 3So if you’ve done what we asked you until now, you’re ready to go out and ‘hunt’ so to speak. If you’re wondering where to start or where to look for, refer to the list that we mentioned above. Now you’re probably looking for someone who shares your interests, so the place where you can start looking should probably be a hobby club or a sports club. These are perfect places to look for potential mates and if they’re there, they probably share your interests and that also gives you an opportunity to strike a conversation. If you don’t care much for hobby classes you can always register on one of the numerous online dating services. Once you’ve found the perfect one and you want to move ahead just read our article on “How to get a girl to like you” and “How to get a guy to like you”.
DO’s and DON’Ts
- Here are a list of a few things you might want to keep in mind before going on your quest to find your soul mate.
- Don’t be too picky. You need to be a little flexible if you’re too picky you’ll probably and up alone (sad but true). No one is perfect and its unfair to expect too much from anyone.
- Don’t rush into things. Sometimes people take time to open up and some characteristics take a little time to come out. Don’t be too hasty and jump to conclusions.
- If you’re looking for a life partner you’re probably looking to go long term so make sure the other person knows this, but don’t mention this on the first date, that’s just creepy.
- Make sure you make a lasting impression (a positive one) the first time you met so that you’re not just another boy/girl to them.