Top 10 Ways To Say Sorry

Top 10 ways to say sorry will make your life easy as it gives you the chance to get back your relations and make up with your loved ones. Saying sorry is one of the toughest things to do as it needs a lot of courage to admit your faults and ask for an apology. Whatever being the reason of your argument or fight or break-up, taking up the responsibility or initiative and getting over your guilt is the best way to say sorry. Top 10 ways to say sorry is the list of options to apologize to your partner in some creative and unique ways and restore the relationship again. The basic need for saying sorry and admitting your guilt is to set aside your ego and pride.

Ego and pride never let any relationship flourish and on the opposite side, compromise, compassion and will to sacrifice your pride for someone special is the essence of a strong bonding. The best way to keep things going or improvising the equation in a relationship is to reconciling the differences with the one you care for.

Have a glance at the top 10 ways to say sorry and use them to make up with your partner. These thoughtful ideas of saying sorry to someone will surely touch your loved one’s heart.

Top 10 ways to say sorry

  • Heartfelt Words– Admitting your fault as you have felt them in your heart in expressive words is the best way to make-up things in close relations. Pour out your heart and make sure that these things will never repeat again.  Say sorry to your mate face to face and show up all your remorse and emotions to your partner.
  • With Flowers– Flower always have special message attached to them. When you are sorry and fall short of words then flowers are the best option to send your message to loved one and say all your feelings. Purple hyacinths are the famous messengers of apology and can do wonders in this sort of situations. Do not forget to send a lovely sorry card along it.
  • Write a poem– The great philosophers and writers have written their best poems and prose when they were sad. You can also try it and pour down all your emotions and feeling of apology in a poem and admit all your mistakes or give a solution to the situation and ask for forgiveness from your loved one whom you have hurt.
  • Letters– It’s been so long that letters are considered as best way to express your feelings and emotions to your mate. When you are not confident about what to say then pour down your feelings in words on a paper and send it to your mate.
  • Say it with gifts– You have hurt your soul mate and now want to make them happy then just get a surprise gift for him/her. Make them happy by your love gestures and calm down your partner with soft and cute gifts to adore which can make them forget the sour event.
  • A Sorry Note– Leave a sorry note or a sorry card on their car seat or office desk where they will surely look. By sending sorry notes you can what you are feeling after hurting or offending them.
  • Bake a cake– Do the opposite, you have spoiled your relation with your sour words or actions. And now it is the time to give him or her something sweet. What else can be sweeter than cake which is filled with your love? A lovely gesture will definitely melt the heart of your partner and will make things easy for you.
  • Expression of empathy– If you have hurt someone special and feel the pain of your partner then say this to them as well. Show your empathy and let your partner realize that you can very well understand the feelings and pain you have given them and feel sorry and guilty for it.
  • Radio Dedications– Say sorry in big way. Writing apology on Facebook is quite trendy these days but apologizing on radio is a big thing and it actually works. Chose a melody to dedicate your love and apology to your partner and say it in a creative way.
  • Make a meal– Make something special for her/him or take it from her favourite place. Making food for him or her is good way to express your emotions. Say sorry in innovative way and get your partner back in your life.