True Love Calculator

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Are you searching for the right partner who can give you true love? Do you want to check out whether your dating partner is the best match for you or not? It is important to know that compatibility with a partner can improve one’s romantic life.


Our True Love Calculator App is just right for you! You can find your compatibility with your partner with just a simple click. You can know the bonding level with your partner in 3 ways using our love calculator.


  1. love calculator by name
  2. Love calculator by date of Birth
  3. Love calculator by Moon sign


Why True Love Calculator is important

A love calculator is an app that helps one to find out the compassion percentage between two partners. The calculation is based on specific information provided in the App and checks the compatibility score and see whether the relationship will be successful or not.


True love is important in one life as it forms the basis of any healthy relationship. Understanding that compatibility and compassion are important, the App can provide accurate results based on Numerology and Astrology.


True compatibility between two partners is based not only on true love but also on compatibility. True love is always considered unconditional as they are based on the emotions of individuals. Compatibility depends on personality traits guided by factors such as name, date of Birth, sun signs, and moon signs. These factors are based on astrology, where the positioning of planets based on the date of birth, sun, and moon native influence a person’s personality.


How does the True Love Calculator Works?


The true love calculator calculates the love percentage based on particular factors. One factor is Name. The names of both the partners are entered in the App. The calculator calculates love percentage by names based on certain parameters that associate names with relationships and romance. This is done separately for both partners.


The calculator then checks and compares how many parameters the partners have in common. After calculating and arriving at the result, the calculator displays the percentage in the compatibility indicator. The score range is between 0% to 100 %, and the higher the percentage, the greater the compatibility.


There’re other ways to check the compatibility as well. One can give the date of birth for both the partners in the option provided in the App. Based on the date and time of birth, the calculator uses astrological algorithms to calculate the sun signs and determine the compatibility percentage between two persons.


Take away


Do you like someone, and the feeling is also mutual? How will you know whether the other person is right for you? It is not easy to find whether the two partners can hit it off in the long run. The best way is to try the love calculator by entering the details of yourself and the other person. You will get a fair idea about the compatibility between the two of you.


Frequently asked Questions (FAQ)


  • What is the accuracy of the true love calculator?


The true love or compatibility calculator is not for amusement and is a real love calculator. They provide results that are 100% correct as the calculations are done by complex algorithms that take into account all the vital personal data.


  • How do the love and compatibility percentages calculated?


True Love Calculator uses algorithms to calculate love percentage. The compatibility test and results are based on the partners’ names and the Date of Birth of the partners. It also considers the time and place of birth which is compulsory for accurate calculations in the ancient astrological system that uses numerology and planetary positions. Correct name and date of Birth determine  accurate compatibility and love percentage.


  • How helpful is a True Love Calculator?


Finding the compatibility and love percentage with your partner can give a fair indication of your relationship. This can be crucial for your life as it can give a direction for the future. If you love your partner and the compatibility test result is on the lower side, it will give an idea of what aspects of your personality needs to be worked upon. Both partners will know the strength and weaknesses of each other. They will try to improve or accept and strengthen the bonds over the larger relationship picture.


  • How can you check the love compatibility score?

The True love compatibility calculator App allows one to enter personal details and get the result online in a few seconds.