Romantic ideas for LDR to keep the charm of love and romance alive even with long geographical distances. It’s really hard for couples to stay apart and still maintain the charm with in.  In long distance relationship, couples are limited in what they can do together and it makes very hard for them to understand each other and do romantic talks.  Romantic ideas for LDR will help you to create romantic ambience on phones and mails and link each other with romantic things.  When you two are not together, its gets tough day by day to live in the same fantasy world, and live with same feelings as you used to earlier. The geographical distances can make a huge difference on your mind and the problems in carrying the relationship can be a toll for both of you.  But as always love has proven his strength and it shows with the love in LDR relationship.

With the help of Romantic ideas for long distance relationship, couples can have romantic and enthusiastic experience. Get the innovative ideas to stay connected with your lover and enlighten the romance even after the long geographical distances. Find the best suitable romantic ideas for LDR for you and let your love live long by passing all the obstacles.


Romantic Ideas For Long Distance Relationship


  1. Throughout the day, stay connected with you partner via chats on Yahoo! Messenger or MSN Messenger and other messaging apps.
  2. Regular romantic emails to your partner and writing all the fantasies and imagination about your partner on the email will be very mesmerizing. You can use love, feelings, missing, and romance in your mail to make it more heart melting and expressive.
  3. Go old fashioned and write an actual letter to your sweetie. Before you put it in the envelope, add the fragrance of their favourite perfume or cologne to the paper.
  4. Send her flowers and gifts for no reason but to say I love you in another innovative ways. Receiving flowers for no reason is a very romantic and surprising. Let your partner feel that he/she has made each and every single day special to you and you are just grateful to them.
  5. Create your own love blogs using MySpace, Word Press, or Typepad. Each day post a message for him/her to read. Add photos, clipart, videos, and sound clips for a more interactive love blog.
  6. Send him or her a romantic novel to read and take the same for yourself. Make it a romantic topic between you two while talking and make it the part of your romantic story.
  7. Plan out some romantic ideas for the day you both will meet. Discuss the romantic ideas with your partner and wait for the day together and count every single day as it goes. The romantic ideas can be anything like going for mountain hacking or spending a night under the skies.
  8. Leave a short and sweet love message to your partner’s phone when you are sure he /she will not be around. It is sure to bring a smile on his/her face.
  9. Burn a cd of songs that remind you of your sweetie or your relationship and send it to them along with brief message telling them why you included each song.
  10. Surprise her by placing an order of her favourite meal and eat while on a video call. She’ll definitely feel you around on the dinner table.

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