Categories: For Occasions

Romantic Christmas Day Ideas for Couples

A lot of people don’t notice it but Christmas is one of the most romantic holidays there is. Here’s why; just imagine, a blizzard right outside your door, a blazing fire inside and you are more or less ‘stuck’ inside the house with your significant other in front of the fire place and keeping each other warm through the night (Wink-wink). Now if that doesn’t ooze out romance at every step I don’t know what romance is anymore. Christmas gives you a treasure trove of opportunities to blow her away. From tiniest of things to the grandest of gestures, you have a gazillion opportunities to show her your romantic side with some sweet romantic Christmas Ideas.

Christmas comes with a lot of things, a lot of preparations, so where is the time to make those grand gestures? The thing is, you don’t really need to take time out for that and that’s the best part. You can basically make grand gestures out of your everyday activities, or your Christmas preparations. You don’t have to wrack your brains to come up with romantic Christmas ideas for him/her just be on the lookout for the right moment, of which there will be a plenty, and jump at it.

This Christmas, fall in love all over again and spend as much time as possible with each other and let the festivities begin.

Romantic Christmas Ideas

  • Ice Skating:
    Call me old school, but I still think going ice skating with your significant other is by far the most romantic thing you can do when its winter. You can spice things up by going after dark to a frozen pond near the street lights, or talk to the manager to keep your local skating rink open for a little longer after everyone has left. The light, the solitude and the snow are a perfect recipe for an amazing insta-date.
  • Hot Chocolate and a Hayride:
    It might sound a bit childish but the popular Christmas carol, ‘Jingle bells’, is an amazing idea for a brilliant night out. Hire a carriage and instruct the driver to meet you outside the shop you’re going to be shopping at. When you walk out the door, open the carriage door for the lady, knock back in the carriage with a cup of hot chocolate and enjoy the ride.
  • A Weekend away:
    let’s face it, along with tidings of good cheer and joy, Christmas also comes with stress. So a weekend away at a nice bed and breakfast inn is probably what you need as a couple. Just take the time off and head out and spend some quality time with each other with absolutely no worries. Enjoy the weekend and make the most of it. Go hiking or horseback riding or just simply enjoy each-other’s company sitting in front of a warm fire.
  • The Romantic Gift Treasure Hunt:
    One of the best romantic Christmas ideas is a treasure hunt for your partner. Place the hints where you think he/she will visit the most and along with them you could also keep one of his/her favourite chocolates. Make sure that when she finally meets you, you are there with a great romantic surprise for her/him. It could be a cuddling movie time or dance on a romantic song with decorations and Christmas tree around.
  • Christmas Movie Marathon:
    There are some surprisingly romantic Christmas movies that have come out of Hollywood, mostly old ones, and now would be a great time to start remembering some of them. Rent as many Christmas movies like ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’, ‘Holiday Inn’, ‘White Christmas’, ‘Elf’ and have a marathon. Pop some corn and get ready for an amazing Christmas movie fest. If you want to add a little surprise, throw in the first movie you two ever watched together in the mix and remind her that you cherish those moments.
  • Bake Along:
    The kitchen might not be your best idea for romance but that’s actually where you can have the most fun. A bake date is probably an amazing way to have a little fun with your significant other. Go ahead and grab an apron and get set to bake some Christmas cookies, don t pick anything too complex because the main idea for this date is to get a little silly. A little flour fight and some dough on your nose is probably a great way to have a little fun. And what makes this idea one of the best romantic Christmas ideas is the fact that you end up with cookies!

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