“I know I am but “summer” to your heart, and not the full four “seasons of the year”.” Unfortunate enough, she is in love with a married man! This woman feels special, by living in the shadows of her man’s life only, because he is everything she ever wanted. What has made her to fell in love with a married man? Is it the mystery of secrecy that titillates and charms us more than anything else! Or the power of mighty love, affection and lust! Beside all, she chooses a secret affair going against all odds while forgetting all the norms and controversies relating the issue ‘dating a married man. One cannot imagine how love has charmed her and she accepted to be “the other”. Moreover, she knows that her man is already in the vows with “someone else” to whom he has already promised to be faithful and love her forever. The saddest part is that; that “someone” is not ‘this women’ as she is “the other women”.
Being the other women is the scariest part of any relationship. Because getting involved with a married man has a huge potential to hurt everyone around and involved. One is even ready to sacrifice the important essentials of any relationships. That is loyalty, honesty, commitment, and feeling of being the only special one in someone’s life. Having an affair with a married man is a nightmare for any woman because it is a challenge against social norms. As this challenge is unpredictable but gives you joy and happiness in short run. However, at times it turns out to be gloomy and dark or something more than that of depression. So, we are posting here some dos and don’ts for women dating married man keeping in mind the challenges faced by them.
Follow some rules for dating married, or any attached, men without sacrificing your main front life out of secrecy and you can be the best “other women” of his life.
1. Respect and Love Yourself:
Life is one and you are only responsible for making it a hell or a heaven. Respect yourself and love your life. You don’t need to sacrifice and settle forever for any secret relationship while living in the shadows of someone else’s life. You deserve much better and have every right to be loved and cared.
2. Make Sure You Have Fun:
You have chosen this relationship only for the reason for getting your demands of love, affection done. Am I right? In this way of loving him, besides him, don’t forget that you also earn a life of your own. As he is enjoying something more than a married life why can’t you enjoy things? Make sure you too enjoy doing things in this relationship for yourself. Please, don’t be a sacrificial goat.
3. You Are His Present Not Future:
Better if you don’t see the future with this man unless and until he is actually taking a divorce for you. Keep on looking for a single man even though you think you are truly, madly, deeply in love with this married man. Limiting and sticking yourself for this type of relationship is fruitless. Don’t forget that earth is a male populated planet. If not he, then someone else may be better than him.
4. Let him come to you first:
Your will never want to come face to face in front of his scorned wife. Am I Right? Don’t email, call, or text him first from your side. For the reason of getting caught let him come to you and makes an approach. Get around your own life and let him come to you whenever he’ll be free. Also set some established no contact time for yourself to earn your importance.
5. Trust Your Instincts:
With so many dangers and risk involved in your relationship, your instincts will never prove you wrong. So when there is a call from inside to end the relationship then you must do it ASAP, without any hesitations. It is always better to end this challenging relationship before the wife finds out. No good will come after it.
6. Value Other Women Relationship:
You are dating a married man. You have to accept the priorities your date have in his life. So your rights will not be the same as of his wife. Being a woman you know it well how it will feel when you’ll come to know your husband is dating some other women. Just make sure you‘ll not do anything that will make her realise the facts about you two.
7. Keep Away From His Wife’s Business:
Let’s not talk about his wife and his family matters, because that is none of your business. If he is with you, it doesn’t mean that he has stopped loving his wife or that he is ready to talk about her to you.
1. Don’t Fool Yourself:
You are not the only special one for him. Get a reality check. He is already lying to his wife how he can be faithful to you. Picture is always clear. If he really wanted to be with you, he must have done something going out from secrecy. What he is doing today with his wife, will do it later with you.
2. Don’t Stop Dating:
A married man has his purpose in dating and cheating his wife but it should never keep you away from looking for that special someone that will be all yours. Remember dating a married man will not going to give you anything in long run. At the end of the day he will go back to his wife and his family.
3. Do Not Get Attached:
Do not get attached because at the end of the day someone is going to be hurt and most probably it is you. Avoid getting emotional in this kind of relationship which carries much potential to hurt you or his wife and make one feel alone and depressed.
4. Don’t Believe His Every Promise to You:
He must have told you that he will take the divorce and will be yours forever. Please don’t believe him. No matter what you are told, do not ever think he will leave his wife for you.
5. Don’t Trap Him with Pregnancy:
Sometimes women make a trap to get their date attached using the only key they have is their pregnancy. Don’t do that. Before planning this out please realise what your baby will actually get.
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