Categories: Dating

Rules for Dating a Coworker

How to Date a Co-Worker? Are you thinking the same question? You spend your maximum hours of a day at work, trying to impress that one person within your professional boundaries, taking him/her out for a lunch or an intimate dinner, or just hanging out with the only person in order to foresee a relationship. Is this what you are doing these days? Well, STOP IT RIGHT THERE!

We agree that “Love is in the Air”, and Cupid has shot a deep arrow through your heart. But it’s time to be professionally responsible and act likes a mature person. Sure meeting are fun, you are having the time of your life, you are connecting and bonding, but have you ever perceived the future, or where it is and will headed towards? Well, according to a survey, at least 56% of the people experience office romance, whether a random or a serious one leading towards marriage.



The “UGLY” truth is that office romances are very complicated and not preferred. But no one can avoid it, but can prevent making mistakes which might lead to emotional meltdown, or a full-fledged job termination. It’s up to you to find out how to handle an office romance, and to what length it must be known to other people. How to Make Dating a Co-Worker Work? It sure is not easy but with proper attitude and performance; one can sail through the storm. So, following are some of the “rules” to keep in mind to follow while dating a co-worker before things go awry:

Advice for Dating a Coworker

  • It’s nice when you date someone you like, but eventually dating your own boss can cause some serious personal and professional damage at a point. It’s a strict NO-NO! Same goes the other way round, as there are Pros Cons of Dating a Co-Worker. There would a bigger chance of partiality or preferred treatment towards the other employees, making them curious and resentful.
  • Don’t date with the intention of growing and moving ahead in the company. Getting romantically involved with someone in order to improve your standing in the organization is not a good idea. Rely on your networking, hard work and self-improvement.
  • Stay on the inter-office policies regarding any personal relationships and dating structures. Probably there are Rules for Dating a Work Colleague which needs to be followed professionally. Don’t go for a serious involvement, and maintain sync with your human resource department, as you can be fired based on this issue.
  • Well, if you are engaged in any sort of romantic link-ups and relationships, don’t ever go for any sort of PDA, as it creates a bad, uncomfortable and unprofessional impression amongst the office employees. Wait till your shift gets over, and then walk hand in hand for an intimate dinner.
  • Don’t keep telling the whole office that you are in a relationship with the fellow co-worker. Confide selectively in people, as you never know who backs out. There is no need for an office-wide memo or an intimate kiss between the professional surroundings. Be comfortable within your own norms firstly, and then announce publically.
  • Don’t use your official email IDs for any kind of inter-personal messaging with the person you are dating, as it can be misused against you anytime. Either way, it seems very unprofessional and naive. Stick to your personal accounts for any “Thanks for the last night” messages!
  • The most important Advice for Dating a Co-Worker would be getting into a thorough and honest conversation with your partner about the end results if the relationship fails. Be frank and open with each other, and discuss the parameters about how to act when you two will face each other after the quits. The emotions must not affect your ability to perform.
  • Not everything is WORK! Talk about other topics, share your interests, hobbies, what you love and hate, about your families, old-time stories and much more. Get to know each other well.
  • Don’t assume yourself as a PSYCHIC and the fact that you know everything about the co-worker you are dating. It’s just one face you are looking at and have known for a long time. Romantic involvement tells you the inner secrets of a person, which must be the main purpose.
  • Avoid recurring office romances an impending habit. It will trap you insignificantly, and will; not let you evolve with other people as well. Maintain a track and focus on your career path rather than deciding to whom you should have lunch with!

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