Birthday SMS conveys the birthday wishes and to your special one. In today’s world, it is the best possible way to express your emotions and send your wishes and prayers to your family, friends, and acquaintances. As the clock sticks to 12 in the night, you can send your wishes to your friends with no time through the advancement of technologies like mobile phones. In one single, Birthday SMS you can make realize the other person that his/her birthday is special and been remembered by you. Express your deep emotions with birthday SMS or add up your personalized message in the end to make it more special and emotionally touched to your partner.
Birthday SMS can be send to anyone from your family to friends and from your work colleagues to acquaintances. A birthday SMS can be emotional inspirational message, a love message, funny joke or apologizing belated birthday SMS. Find the best birthday SMS as per you’re your relation and choice to make someone’s birthday blissful with your blessings.
Inspirational Birthday SMS
- A prayer: 2 bless ur way
A wish: 2 lighten ur moments
A cheer: 2 perfect ur day
A text: 2 say HAPPY BIRTH DAY - A smile is a curve that sets everything straight and wipes wrinkle away
hope u share a lots and receive a lots 4 days 2 come
happy Birthday …… - You were crying when u were born
while evrybody was laughing there
As u live 2 blow a thousand candles,
live ur life humbly so that
u would b the one laughing when u die
and everybody else would be crying.
Happy Birthday - Step by step the journey goes on,
Little by little it may seem so long.
Forget about ur past, u can’t change it,
Forget about ur future, u cant predict it.
Just think about present, u can handle it.
Enjoy presents every moment & be happy….
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to U….! - Your Birthday Is The Perfect Time
To Wish You Nothing Less
Than Favorite Memories, Plans And Dreams
That Bring You Happiness,
For Birthdays Are A Link Between
The Future And The Past,
Reminding Us To Treasure Most
Those Special Joys That Last
Love Birthday SMS
- Its a nice feeling when u know dat some1 likes u,
Some1 thinks about u,
Some1 needs u,
But it feels much better when u know dat some1 never ever 4gets ur birthday.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY” - To the world, you may be one person. But to me, you are the world.
- Its a nice feeling when you know that someone likes you,
someone thinks about you,
someone needs you;but it feels much better when you know that someone never ever forgets your birthday.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY” - Let the GOD decorate each GOLDEN RAY OF THE SUN reaching u with wishes of Success,
Happiness and prosperity 4 U,
Wish you a super duper Happy Birthday. - This msg has No Fat
No cholesterol n No Addictive
this is all natural except, with a lot of sugar.
But it can never be as sweet as the one reading it.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to you
- My Husband said he wanted a tie for his birthday that matched the color of his eyes – but where can you find a bloodshot tie?
- i know its ur birthday 2day.. iam sure u’l give me treat in a big hotel.. so i shall talk to u in person there, coz i dunno to xpress my feelings in SMS”
- The best way to remember your wife’s birthday is to forget it once.
- Flying papers , multi colours of balloon, delicated blossom, fantastic people, love and laughter. What it describes? HAPPY BIRTHDAY